Friday, October 22, 2010

7th - 8th Printmaking!

Have you heard of the celebration called Days of the Dead? Sounds creeeeeeppy, but it is far from being morbid.  In Mexico this celebration takes place on Nov 1 and 2nd. On these days families come together to celebrate the life of their loved ones who have pasted away. Altars, grave-sites, and homes are decorated with items that their loved ones enjoyed.  Sugar Skulls are made as festive decorations. 7th and 8th grade students studied the Days of the Dead and one of the most famous artists associated with the days, Posada.  However Posada 1st created his art not with this celebration in mind. He created art to spread news to Mexico about the revolution taking place. Here are some of the artworks inspired by Posada: 

Students had to tell a story about a current event visually. When Posada made his prints for everyone in mexico he had to communicate visually since many people in his day could not read the written language.   Can you tell the stories taking place?  If not then you would have been able to read the poems that students wrote to go along with their artworks!

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